#1 Best Business Software

#1 Whatsapp Automation

Increase productivity with a simple to-do app. app for
managing your personal budgets.

Girl in a jacket Watch demo video
Quick Add Customer

Quick Add Any Customer Anycategory. , Name And Whatsapp Number Only

Add Customer

Create Your Customer In 5 Seconds With Just Mobile Number And Name....

Product category

Add What Your Customers Want From You In The Product Category....

Start Broadcast

Now You Can Create A Broadcast Message Of Your Product, Image With Text, Pdf, Anything....

100% Product Sale

Your Customer Will Book Your Product After Seeing The Offer, Your Business Will Increase 10 Times....

See all
Online Payment Collection

Now according to the report you can easily
find out how much of your product has been sold?...

Today Sell Report

Get your blood tests delivered at
home collect a sample from the

Today Proft Report

Now according to the report you can find out how much
profit you have made in today's date?

Pending Amount Today Report

Now you can find out as per the date how much loss you have .
incurred in your business and how much is the outstanding amount from your customer

Payment Reminder & automatic

Now This Software Will Send Automatic Payment Reminder To Your Customer On Which Your Outstanding Money Will Be. The Message Will Be Sent To Him On Whatsapp And You Will See It In The Report..

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Software features ?

How To Beniftts.

Send Bulk Campaigns & Broadcast

Now you can attract your customers towards your company or your shop by filtering the dates and broadcasting them according to the categories of their interest..

UPI Collaction Solution

Now you can take payment from your customers through UPI collection and add it to your software so that you can easily calculate your profit..

Business Analysis

You can easily analyze your business by how much product was sold in the last month. How much profit was made? How much product was sold this month and how much profit was made?.

customer Analysis

Which customer you had is now not taking the product. You can attract more people to your shop by giving them broadcast on WhatsApp..

Product Sell Data

How much product has been sold in your company in your shop and what is the data about it. You will get a complete report..

Employee Monitoring

Now you can easily track your employees and see how much product your employee has sold and how much he has earned at your shop in your company..

without Software Your Busines

The rise of mobile devices transforms the way we consume information entirely and the world's most elevant channels such as Facebook.


without Software Profit
  • No Customer
  • No Tracking Employee
  • No Marketing Idea
  • No Smart Shop/Product
Start free trial


With Softwatre High Profit
  • Big Customer Network
  • Yes Tracking Employee
  • Best Marketing Idea
  • Smart Shop/Product
Meet Client Satisfaction
by using product


How to Start now

If you want to start a business then you can get complete information from here. Our sales team will guide you properly and give you the business idea and setup your software completely..

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